Monday, June 8, 2009

Sparkle, shine, and glow

The 4th is just a little less than a month away and I'm already think-think-thinking about how I will spend it. Where will I be? New York or California? Will I see the sky light up from the beaches in the west or from the banks of the east river in the east? Maybe, if I can't decide, I'll be sure to be on a plane that night. That way, when it comes to fireworks, I can have it all. I'll watch them from above, all the way from one side of the U.S. to the other. And you? Where will you be? On a roof top? A barge? With friends? Alone? In bed, with your head safely buried under the covers? Let's not celebrate our independence independently. It's never too early to start planning when sparklers are involved.

1 comment:

  1. jeje I like the picture
    very courious

    HAil from the mountains of ARAGĂ“N -spain
